Friday, November 09, 2007

Look what crawled out of the woodwork!

According to Civil Georgia, in a phone interview with The Associated Press, Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of News Corp. said: "We're shocked and horrified that in what was allegedly a democratic country something like this could happen… that, effectively, stations are put off the air."
A shock? At least Murdoch, as head of several of the less democratic-oriented nespapers and TV-stations in USA should be familiar with this situation. The way he allways have administered and imposed biased newscoverage in favour of Bush is nothing less than gagging his own journalist in FOX network. Why not take a look? Here it is: "Outfoxed, Rupert Murdochs war on journalism" covering this issues. Please Murdoch, crawl back into your hole and don't give more interviews about matters you have hardly any credability in. It's probably better that people with at least the notion about democratic processes and media discuss these matters.
Shuh, shuh...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hvem er Badri Patarkatsishvili?

Den Stor-Russisk revansjisme ?

The Economist skriver på lederplass at etterretningsfolkene i Kreml er motivert av grådighet – flere av dem har tjent seg søkkrike på å sitte i maktapparatet – og et ønske om hevn etter det som skjedde på 1990-tallet. Mange av dem ble nemlig tilsidesatt etter Sovjetunionens sammenbrudd i 1991.

I dag ønsker de å opprette et varig politisk system i Russland som er sentralisert, autoritært og hierarkisk, og som på mange måter minner om hvordan et privat selskap drives, skriver Radio Free Europe.

– De ønsker en sterk, autoritær stat av samme type som Sovjetunionen, men uten Sovjet-idiotiet, sier Olga Krysjtanovskaja fra det russiske vitenskapsakademiets institutt for sosiologi.

De ønsker et «statssystem uten noen maktfordeling», fastslår forskeren.

I valget 2. desember gir russerne etter alt å dømme Vladimir Putin og hans allierte grønt lys til å bygge videre på sitt prosjekt.

But the bottom line is the following. The Russians want to overwhelm the Georgian government by staging a lot of hostile operations at the same time. In Abkhazia internally, internationally on the diplomatic front. And the Georgian government's manpower resources and other resources are being overwhelmed. The Russians are infinitely superior in that regard. They can handle all these operations against Georgia, at one and the same time. And we don't know what really is happening.

Is Badri Patarkatsishvili acting on Russia's behalf? Is he their agent? Has he become their agent willingly or unwillingly? Is he being blackmailed? Does he have business interests in Russia? We don't know any of these things. And it would be crucial to know these things.

Georgia’s image as a possible member of NATO. However, there is still lot of time to reverse that and a lot would depend on what Mr. Saakashvili does in the next few days. I think, ultimately the decision about NATO membership depends on a lot of things that happen outside of Georgia, like: What exactly is the new French policy toward Russia? And is [German Chancellor] Angela Merkel, who is more skeptical of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, really in charge of foreign policy, or is her foreign minister from the opposite party in charge?

All kinds of things that really have nothing to do with Georgia and have more to do with Western policy toward Russia are probably more important. But I do think it would behoove Mr. Saakashvili to concentrate in the next couple of months on how to repair some of the damage that the actions of the last 10 days have done. If this is what he is still interested in.

Sunday, November 25, 2007 11:37:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hei Anonym,
Så interessant, men skremende det du skriver. Det ser virkelig ille ut når det gjelder Georgias sjanser til å 'overleve'. Dette Patarkazishvili-sirkuset er svært irriterende, men første og fremst farlig. Jeg vet ikke hva jeg er mest skremt av: Russland eller Vesten.
Vennlig hilsen

Saturday, December 15, 2007 10:32:00 am  

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