In this article I will try to present a global angle to the deindustrialization in Georgia. The dead city Tkibuli are not a mere Georgian phenomenon, but part of an ongoing global process also found in USA and Norway among a lot other western countries. This article is based on the German sociologist Ulrich Becks works about globalisation and the reflexive modernity, and the american sociologist Richard Sennets book The Corrotion of Character. Due to the lenght and the many pictures i chose to publish it on my website.
Its a link to it on the frontpage.
Update 24.09.06 Prime minister to visit Tkibuli
Rustavi 2: Prime minister Zurab Nogaideli promises to the miners better working conditions. Zurab Nogaideli has arrived in Tkibuli with the head of the railway department. For the rehabilitation of Kutaisi-Tkibuli railway the state budget spends 10 million GEL. Rehabilitation works have to be finished in May in the next year. According to prime minister, the government will increase the enterprise capacity that augment incomes for the miners.
spennende, og tankevekkende.
Ja. En smule deprimerende også. Hyggelig at du stakk innom og leste det. Forresten hørte jeg at Ford skal si opp 1/3 av sine ansatte..igjen. (Michigan, Flint)
Nyliberalismen er et spøkelse som svever over de fleste land.
Hello Eistein!
very interesting text, I will comment on it later, but now it's my turn to present you and your site on my Blog. so if you write few words about yourself (I understand after to Blog presentations it's quite difficult), your company, plans in the future also related with georgia, it will be great!
take care,
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