Sunday, September 03, 2006

The new pioneers?

The young pioneers had red scarves and a predestined future as loyal workforce in the former Soviet union. From pioneers they advanced to komsomol, and for the most loyal, a career as an apparatchik was not far away. But time changes. So do systems and colors, and the possibility of a career.

The blue dressed youth of Tbilisi represents the new generation. Now the red scarves are changed into a more McDonalds-inspired blue uniform, and the TV-commercials, carefully directed by the government PR-department shows how lucky the 3000 young boys and girls are, having summer jobs cleaning up the city. That is well spent money and education for the young Georgians. When I asked some of them if they enjoyed their jobs, the answer was “YES YES YES”. “But we don’t really know what we are supposed to do. Best part is we meet many others and have fun”.

But there is more to come. The Government promise to reduce unemployment with 50% during 2007; an ambitious goal and a potential neckbreaking political stunt, as a lot of the reduction is going to happen by offering young people internship in companies. I really hope somebody is around, telling them what to do.

Anyway it might be a future in the PR–department for some of them.


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